Dalam berseluncur di dunia maya, pastilah terdapat banyak virus yang senantiasa mengancam PC atau laptop sobat blogger. Mulai dari trojan, malware, serangan hacker, dan SPAM. Harus ada perlindungan konprehensif untuk menangkal segala ancaman tersebut agar tidak ikut masuk kedalam PC atau laptop.
Dalam hal ini Eset Smart Security 5 RC adalah salah satu security yang harus dimiliki sobat blogger. Keunggulannya adalah ukurannya tidak terlalu besar, hanya membutuhkan ruang kecil di harddisk, dan pastinya sangat cocok buat spek kompi yang rendah.
Screenshot yang diambil dari komputer :
Features :
Parental Control : Parental control lets you block sites that my contain potentially offensive material. in addintion, parents can prohibit access to up to 20 pre-defined website categories.
Cloud Powered Scanning : Based on real-time streaming of thread-related information from cloud, the ESET Virus Lab keeps the reputation service up-to-date for a constant level protection against Intenet threats.
Improved Antispam : Our antispam module integrated in ESET Smart Security has undergone a through optimization process for even higher level of detection precision.
Enchanced Media Control : Block threaths trying to get trhough to the system via removable media. Automatically prompts you to scan the content of all USB flash drives, CDs and DVDs. Block specific media based on a range of parameters like the device ID, media type, and serial number.
Intelligent Firewall : ESET Smart Security 5 helps you prevent unauthorized users from accessing your computer remotely and monitoring your network traffic.
New Feature For Geeks :
Gamer mode : when in full-screen mode, ESET Smart Security 5 automatically switches to silent mode, which saves system resources, so you can enjoy playing computer games or concentrate on important work tasks without distractions from pop-up messages.
Advanced HIPS Functionality : This one is for real Geeks - now you can costumize the behaviour of the system in greater detail : specify rules for the system registry, active processes and program, and fine-tune your security posture.
Advanced Setup Tree : Redesigned advanced setup tree for more intuitive and easier navigation.
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